Are you threatening me Master Jedi?

Episode 3 is finally out! It was an absolute visual extravaganza. I managed to book early and get tickets for the 1st showing on the 1st day of release at Odeon Tottenham Court Road. (the midnight showing not counting) I would have to say that I really enjoyed this final installment of the greatest movie saga ever to hit the silver screen. (fans of Lord of the Rings might disagree, but that a book adaptation and hence doesn't count)
The movie matches all my expectations, opening with epic battle scenes of galactic death and destruction. Lucas doing what he does best, which is taking the audience on an escapist trip to a galaxy far far away. It is probably the darkest of all the Star Wars films, and would please fans of The Empire Strikes Back.
One thing I have to comment on is the atrocious acting of one Hayden Christensen. One would have thought that a stint in theatre would have improved his acting somewhat, but no! He's still as wooden as ever! There were so many opportunities in the movie where he could have shown the torment facing Anakin, torn between his love for Padme and his duty and beliefs as a Jedi.
Natalie Portman also puts in a lackluster performance as said Padme Naberrie. After her intoxicating performance in Closer as the betrayed Alice, you would have expected better. Lucas fails in drawing out the full potential of Portman, only seeing brief glimpses of her talent at the end of the film. That being said, George Lucas has never been the kind of director who focuses on the fine workings of human relationships.
All in all, Revenge of the Sith is an excellent tale, though with its failings, still manages to pull through with its panoramic special effects and finely crafted battle/fight scenes.
What was most amusing was my father, knowing my huge affliction of Star Wars fan mania. He called all the way from home warning me not to spend huge amounts of money on the movie merchandising. What's amazing is I haven't! (which is quite a feat for those of you who know me) Mainly because I've been staying away from Forbidden Planet like a plague. That being said, I forsee myself wandering in there, and walking away with a couple of lightsabres.
The Force be with you.
My thoughts about Star Wars 3:
(1) They may be Jedi, but they are atrocious at people management (in particular, management of Anakin). Maybe if they had had a bit more EQ, he would never have gone over to the dark side.
(2) Ewan MacGregor watching security videos of butchering in the Jedi Temple: notice how his exclamations go along the line of 'oh horror. I cannot bear to watch this any more.' Doesn't really ring true, does it? I bet he's a Sith Lord in disguise =)
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