The elitist me
After checking out M's blog, I decided to find out what kind of elitest I am as well! Here it goes.
Name the era, and you can name every artist from
it. You've got an eye for design and a knack
for feng shui. Color schemes, architecture, and
objt d'art - these are all your forts.
What people love: You're the perfect person to shop
What people hate: They have to clean their house
whenever you come over.
What Kind of Elitist Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
This is so true! It pretty much hit the nail on the head, expect for the bit about naming artists from every era, a little rusty in that department. Other than that, this quiz is really quite good. And yeah, though it's a little gay, I do tend to get dragged around shopping by various people of the opposite sex.
Hmm..... and several people can attest to the fact that during undergrad days, I actually went over to their places and started vacuuming up their apartments for them. Worrying? Just a little.

Name the era, and you can name every artist from
it. You've got an eye for design and a knack
for feng shui. Color schemes, architecture, and
objt d'art - these are all your forts.
What people love: You're the perfect person to shop
What people hate: They have to clean their house
whenever you come over.
What Kind of Elitist Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
This is so true! It pretty much hit the nail on the head, expect for the bit about naming artists from every era, a little rusty in that department. Other than that, this quiz is really quite good. And yeah, though it's a little gay, I do tend to get dragged around shopping by various people of the opposite sex.
Hmm..... and several people can attest to the fact that during undergrad days, I actually went over to their places and started vacuuming up their apartments for them. Worrying? Just a little.
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