Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Just went for Bible Study this evening at D and A's place. I have to say that it was extremely encouraging. Truly "let us not give up meeting up together.... but let us encourage one another". It's far too easy in this world of materialism and fast living to be totally and utterly consumed by oneself. Self-centred living, seeking the satisfaction and fulfillment of ones own desires invariably leads to emptiness and loneliness. We seek solace in shallow relationships, and chemical diversions, only to find that the emptiness returns again and again. I never used to find Christian fellowship rewarding. People you hardly ever see, meet and put up fronts. After an hour or so, everyone leaves and goes back to their own lives. But of late, I've realised how fulfilling it is to actually attempt to make other people, be it friends or lovers, a priority in my life. I've lived too long simply seeking my own happiness. This sounds exceedingly selfish and self-righteous, but it's true, that suddenly, I'm no longer perpetually consumed by my own problems and desires. That being said, it's still a difficult step to take, to actually listen to others, and make it a point to be a better friend, rather than focus on oneself. I'm still trying.


Blogger pinkpenguin said...

Chemical diversions? pray tell...

4:32 AM  
Blogger atreidai said...

Ethanol? :P

12:25 PM  

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