Friday, January 14, 2005

Back to work

I guess it's been ages since I've blogged properly. It's back to work now that the new year has begun. It's like an avalanche of work/stress/badness has descended on my life, and my sanity is hanging on a tether. Such is the life of a lab monkey.

On a good note, I'm drawing much closer to God. I started the year in Watchnight service, which I felt was a great way to start the new year. One of the new year resolutions, to submit myself completely and unreservedly to His Will. Not going to be an easy thing though. I am still, after all, mortal, with the sinful nature of man in me, that constant wars against the Spirit. Thank God for the hope for the future, that this life we have is but a tent, and our true home with last for eternity.


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